Empowering your process…
through short and quick examples of how I have and continue to live with intention and use my process to drive my success.
Growing yourself Part 1: Where do I start?
Balance also means fueling your mind. Use my quick process to grow yourself.
Consistency Part 2: Maintaining Balance
Learn the importance of making balance and self-care a more consistent part of your daily routine (not just something you do on weekends).
Consistency Part 1: But I thought I was supposed to meet my needs?
How do you maintain consistency, while allowing yourself to meet your needs? Read this shog for a way to balance the two for yourself.
Process & Purpose Part 4: It’s not personal it’s teaching
Finding yourself reacting to student responses in negative ways - getting angry or defensive, wanting to cry, feeling a burning sensation in your gut, or regretting your reaction in the moment? Read this shog for a 2-step process on overcoming these feelings.
Process & Purpose Part 3: Teaching starts with Confidence
Start smiling from day one…don’t wait until November. Here are 4 steps to being yourself in the classroom.
Process & Purpose Part 2: Staying true to you
Living with purpose requires you to know who you are and be that consistently (especially when you are misaligned or in disagreement with someone). People are going to talk about you anyway, might as well be who you are, do what you love, and live with purpose, right?
Does your process give you purpose?
To truly help others is to empower them to find their own answers - that is what I want to be for you!