Weekend projects (that take over a year)

You know that, "I'm not sure this is going to work" or the "why are we doing this" feeling? Or even better, “what’s that pile of wood supposed to be again?”

My hubby and I carried these feelings for over a year before starting this project. We knew our goal: to save space and get rid of our cluttered, messy, dust-trapping bedside tables. We knew our purpose: to create a peaceful space for rest and relaxation. Our process (what you don’t see in the video above) was much more messy.

It started with an idea so we scoured Pinterest searching for instructions because surely someone had done this before. The answer was no, nobody had created exactly what we wanted - a headboard, with attached book lights that served as a bedside table and storage (for books…also known as a bookshelf, haha). I found pictures of headboards with various types of bookshelves in the back. Some used various forms of shelves that were attached to the wall with a headboard rested or screwed into the shelves. Some had shelves attached to the headboard then rested on the wall. Some had examples of lights installed the way we wanted but no shelves. And the list goes on and on. We ended up piecing together everything we saw and designing a headboard we actually wanted.

This process was hard.

To start, my hubby and I think very differently when we approach projects - often times, saying the exact same thing in a different way (totally confusing for the other to understand). I am an "in-my-head" visualizer and “expect you understand my explanation and hand gestures” person and my hubby is an "I need an exact sketch on paper" and “3D model with explanation” person. So, agreeing on what it was going to look like and what it was going to take to build was tough. We disagreed, became frustrated with the process and each other, explained, reexplained, took a break, reexplained, took a break, reexplained, and finally agreed. Come to think of it - we never gave up on each other or this process. We persevered; we were resilient and relentless. That is why we make an incredible team - “we always find our way back to each other” (part of our wedding vows).

Once we agreed on the final look, then came all the more tangible questions.

  • What materials are we going to use?

  • Where will we find/buy these materials?

  • How much will it cost?

  • What color of grey stain is right?

  • Is it even worth it?

  • Is there an easier way?

  • Ok, we are ready but, wait, are we forgetting something (we're not ready, we've never done anything like this)?

  • Are we sure this is what we want?

That is the brain second-guessing yourself, saying, "let's not take on this challenge - this is too hard, forget it."

Once we bought the materials, there came even more adjustments and questions: from needing to buy one more wood slat to changing the number of bookshelves we wanted; to deciding on the height of the bookshelves; to shortening the length of the bookshelves so that they didn’t go all the way across, instead, ending so that we wouldn’t have books or chargers or anything else get stuck in the middle of the headboard where we couldn’t reach; to ordering multiple sets of lights (that were added 6 months later). I know, I know, didn’t you all plan this out? Yes, yes we did, but that is the beauty of the process. It all starts with an idea and the hardest part is believing it can be done (all the second-guessing you do throughout the process).

That is why I am here - I want to influence your process. I want to support you, encourage you, and, ultimately, empower you to do it yourself. You define what it is and I am there.


Going back to normal? The answer should be no!


Journaling not sticking? Part 2: Meeting Your Needs