My process for processing…


This has been my process for processing the state of our nation the past two weeks:

  • I watch the news and read a variety of social media posts

  • I take breaks with family and friends because stepping away from a situation helps your brain process and make sense of all the information you are taking in

  • I bookmark key posts, quotes, articles, and discussions that resonate and help me make something large feel more tangible and actionable

  • I have uncomfortable conversations with friends

  • I take action by doing what I know (contributing to the work and conversation through my own work); for example:

    • (in collaboration with my fellow Black, Hispanic, and White teachers) we created two-weeks worth of lessons that required students to analyze and interpret data regarding the racial disparities in our country, empowering our students to take action

    • my husband and I donated what we could to the cause and are making smarter decisions about where we shop

    • I am creating crafts that represent my story, my culture, and my experience to share with others

    • I am using this platform (my blog) to share my process for processing and taking action


Does your process give you purpose?


Attaining & Maintaining Balance